Tuesday, July 21, 2009

1st Journal -Intro to International Marketing.

The first thing I learned in the first chapter of the book was to differentiate International Marketing, which as the book estates is creating satisfying exchange relationships across national borders, from domestic marketing. Before reading this chapter I thought that the only difference was that domestic was here (Washington) and International was Spain for example. International Marketing is even more complex and complicated than that, because is not only getting to know your customer but more importantly their culture, their geographic information, competitive, cultural or legal differences. Every country works different, customers’ needs and desires vary, and understanding this is the key to truly knowing what International Marketing means.

The other subject that I found extremely important were the six marketing core standards. Six things we need to have in mind and follow to be able to successfully transfer goods and services to a consumer.
  1. Distribution is been able to find the best way to let customers locate, obtain and use the products or services of the company.
  2. Marketing Information Management, researching your market (market research, developing databases) and using this information to improve your companies’ decision-making and performance.
  3. Pricing is a very important and delicate process because businesses need to have in mind that they should come up with a price customers can afford and make a profit at the same time.
  4. Product/Service management is the step where businesses come up with a product, maintain it, improve it in order to meet the consumers needs.
  5. Promotion is getting the name out there pretty much. Once the product is designed and ready to be sold there are a variety of methods to inform our potential customers that the product exists like advertising, publicity, pr and personal selling.
  6. Selling is dealing directly with our prospective customers, one on one sell. And last but not least...
  7. Financing which means coming up with a budget that will cover all the expenses you need.
This are the two major subjects that I learned from the most and that I found very interesting because all though I've heard about this in other classes I loved how while I was reading it I was thinking about a store over seas and everything finally started making sense.


  1. Your journal is a good start! But what did you learn about gross domestic product, free trade, fair trade and international marketing strategies? Also elaborate a little more on your reflection next time!

  2. This week


    Responses to others' journals were missing.
