Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Chapter 11
Strategic planning is the process of determining how to move to a desire future state, in other words were do you want your company to go or to be. Strategic Planning forces a business to analyze the whole organization and the environment in which it operates. This is a very important thing for a business to have in mind and normally it requires evaluating the environment, identifying long term objectives, and developing the plans to reach those objectives. While strategic planning is a wide view, tactical planning is more narrowly focused and more short-term, as the book describes it.
Once a company has a well established strategic plan, it allows the business to respond better to problems and change direction in response to a changing environment. International business are more likely to have problems and difficulties due to the different cultures and culture changes that they deal with; Therefore, it is very important for an international business to have a well established strategic plan.
The mission statement defines the purpose of an organization, who they are, how they feel, what they do. It provides direction, commits resources, inspires individuals and focuses activities. The mission statement guides the development of a company strategy.
The SWOT analysis are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an company. The strengths and weaknesses are inside the company, and the opportunities and threats are outside, like the market for example, the competitors etc.
International Mark Strategies
A placid environment is where there is very little change in the market for example. Business operating under this environment can develop a strategic plan for loner time periods. And turbulent environment is when the environment changes often and unpredictable. Businesses operating under this type of environment must develop shorter strategic plans because they never know what might happen or how long is it going to take to their environment to change.
In a joint venture, two or more businesses create anew business to pursue a strategic goal.
A foreign direct investment is the purchase of assets in a foreign country by a business. This could include the purchase of land or property for example.
A wholly owned subsidiary, is an independent company owned by a parent company.
Global Entrepreneurship
An entrepreneur is a person who undertakes a new venture. They are typically seen as individuals who are willing to take on a risk of starting a new business. The book estates that there are a number of facts that affect the development of entrepreneurship: personal property ownership, investment capital, government regulations and entreatingly culture.
A business incubator is a a physical facility set up to offer office or factory space at a reduced price. They also offer staff support and consulting services. I think this is a great tool for new companies, is a good start.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Elastic and Inelastic products
Chapter 10
The chapter describes money as a medium of exchange used by society. This means that money only has a value because we believe in it, if we think about it is just a piece of paper with a number, the face of an important person and a weird smell.
A hard currency has the confidence of international traders, they typically come from economically and politically stable countries like US dollars, pounds, euro and Swiss franc. Soft currency on the other hand, is not acceptable for international exchange.
The law of supply and demand
Demand is the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy depending on the price. And supply is the quantity that producers are willing to offer at a given price. For example is the demand curve shifts to the right and the supply curve stays the same, the units sold will increase and the market price will increase as well. But if we change this and the demand curve stays the same and the supple curve shifts to the right the units sold will still increase but the market price will decrease.
Currency exchange rate
An exchange rate is the ration of how much one currency is worth in terms of another currency. for example $1.00 American dollar is equal to $2,500 Colombian pesos.
International Pricing and Payments
Price is thew amount of money, goods, and services needed to obtain something. It should be given in a rational way, not just charge something because you feel that it should cost that much. There should be a study and statistics behind the given price to make sure that the quantity given is is justified and fair.
The process of setting a price for a global market is based on a number of factors. The price floor is the first one and is the lowest price that a company can charge and still cover costs. The price ceiling on the other hand, is the maximum price that can be charged in a market and it's set by the value costumers see in the product and the Price the competition charges.
Pricing strategies
Penetration pricing is when a company sets a low price compared to competitors. Walmart for example. Skim pricing is known as a temporary strategy where a company sets a high price for a short time. Like the cellphone companies for example, when a new phone is coming out they charge hundreds of dollars for it and after the boom, companies usually they lower the prices. Market pricing is used when competitive products already exist in the marketplace. Prices can be higher or lower than the market average depending on the product's competitive advantage. Prestige pricing is when a company sets a high price throughout the life of a product like Mercedes for example, they want to show they are a luxury car that not everyone can afford.
Balance of Payments
The Elasticity demand describes the relationship between changes in the product's price and the product's demand. The elasticity of demand tells us how much the quantity demanded changes when the price changes. The elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in the price charged.
A letter to credit is a financial document used to guarantee a payment, this is a very common method used for international marketing.
Balance of Payments is a record of all transactions made between one particular country and all other countries during a specified period of time. If more currency flows into a country than flows out it is considered to have a positive BOP, if its the other way around it has a negative BOP. There are two major balance of payments components: Current accounts -purchase of goods and tangible products, and financial accounts -financial transactions like loans, stocks, or buying and selling of companies.
A central bank serves as the government's bank and is responsible for a country's monetary policy and an export-import bank are dependent banks established by governments to finance or insure the exporters.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Discussion question 6

Before talking about my funny urban legend I wanted to ask a question...The other day I was parking my car at my office garage and as I was walking to the elevators I saw something I hated!!! Maybe this was a controversy some time ago but honestly is the first time I see it... I saw a car...Dodge and the name of the model was Magnum!!! I hated totally hated it!!! it's funny because we all know what magnum is and the car is a vivid representation of it ew! lol its huge and long... I wanted to ask what you guys think about it because I honestly hated it! I think that is such an inappropriate name for a car! no? am I being tooo conservative here??

This problem is not a myth, it really happened.
I also found this interesting International/Intercultural mistakes:
Nova = “no go”
Pinto = “small genitals”
Puffs = “homosexuals”
Mist Stick = “manure stick”
Got Milk = “are you lactating?”
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Chapter 9
A promotion is any type of communication designed to inform, remind, or persuade customers about a company and their goods and services. It is normally followed by the AIDA process, which is making the audience aware of the companies advantages and product benefit. Once you know about the good things a product has you then gain some interest in the product, followed by the desire and finally the action to buy it.
Promotional campaigns are designed based on The International Communications Process. First it starts with the sender who encodes the message, using language and symbols to design it. Once the message is encoded, it is the delivered through communication channels to be decoded or interpreted by the receiver. Once the receiver -consumer, decodes the information, the receivers reaction, in other word the feedback should be received by the sender. In my opinion the feedback is the most important part of this process because it's what tells you if the information you sended was successfully decoded by the consumer, if not, it means that your communication process failed and that you need to work on it. Noise is anything that interferes with communication.
Promotional media are the vehicles or channels used to pass the information to the market or the audience. It may be broadcast, print, outdoor, and the big boom now a days electronic media.
Advertising is any form of paid promotion. It is a good tool to use to crate awareness and interest. There are 8 steps to have in mind when developing and advertising campaign: Identify the target audience, set communication goals, develop an advertising budget, develop a media strategy, create the ads, develop the media schedule, implement the plan, evaluate the campaign.
Product placement is when you pay to advertise your product into some other media. Like Eddie Bauer and Ford vehicles for example or Cover Girls and America's Next Top Model.
Publicity, on the other hand is non-paid advertising like PR for example.
A media schedule is a calendar that says when are the ads going to be played and in what different media. This is a great tool for marketers to be on top of the ad campaign, tracking media exposure, and analyzing what works and what doesn't. Not ever media channel works for every product, this is a great tool to recognize what works and what doesn't and to figure out how successfully the campaign is.
When crating advertising it is important to know that there are two types of advertisements, organizational ads and product ads. Organizational ads promote the brand image, and the product ads promote a single product.
Selling Strategies
Personal Selling involves face to face interaction between a seller and a buyer. It is a successful tool because it allows immediate two-way communication. It follows a process that includes: an approach, sales presentation, answering objections, closing the sale, and follow-up.
Every sales person gets compensated with a sales commission which generally is a percentage of the total sale.
A sales promotion is an inactive way to sell am product. The most common ones are coupons, rebates, or a premium when you get an additional product sold. This action is normally used to create an incentive to buy, get consumers attention, interest and desire to buy the product. Victoria Secret's free underwear coupon for example. Every month I get on the mail a postcard with a little business card size coupon giving out a free gift. I go to the store thinking that I am only going to claim my free gift and once I am there I end up spending at least $30.00
Integrating marketing communication is a planning process that integrates all the elements form the promotional mix to ensure that all marketing communication efforts send a consistent message to customers.
Chapter 8
There are a number of steps or intermediaries for a product to go from the manufacturer to the customer or consumer. A marketing intermediary is an independent business (agents, brokers, wholesalers) in charge of dealing with flow of goods and services from producers to consumers.
The channel designers are the ones who distribute systems to minimize total costs. The total cost concept is the final amount of costs when designing a channel of distribution. A channel captain the one who organizes and distributes the systems reducing the chance for conflict.
When international marketers have clients in other countries they need to send the products to them, this process is called exporting, shipping a product for another part of the world to trade it or sell it. There are a couple of important steps that need to be taken into consideration when exporting a product: preparing products for shipment -making sure they are protected and sealed, arranging all the documentation, and planning the shipping and delivery of products.
Importing, on the other hand is receiving a product from another country.
Indirect exporting is when a business uses brokers or agents help find customers and export products. It may increase the total cost of the sell since there are additional fees that need to be payed. Direct exporting is when the same company is in charge of finding the markets and exporting the products.
Customs is like a product immigration. it controls the products entering the country. Products get inspected making sure that they are legal and have the right documentation. Companies have to pay customs fees in this process. Custom broker is an intermediary that helps products move through customs.
International Retailing.
A retail is a member of the channel of distribution that sells to the end users or a consumer. There are 4 different types of retail stores, specialty stores, a smaller that specializes on a specific product. MAC Cosmetics for example is a store that only sales cosmetics, you will never find a dress for sell on a MAC store. General merchandise, department stores for example, the book says that general merchandise stores have both products width and depth. Convenience stores, have a limited inventory like a 7-Eleven for example. Vending machines are located everywhere and sell mostly sodas and packaged meals like Doritos of Pretzels.
E-Commerce is a huge boom now a days, is buying stuff online, like Amazons.com. It's very convinient because you can buy whatever you want without leaving your house.
Malls or shopping centers are buildings that host a variety of stores. There are different types of shopping centers or malls. Upscale shopping malls like Galleria where you find stores like Hugo Boss or Neiman Marcus or little shopping centers where you can buy unexpensive clothes like Old Navy.
Chapter 7
International marketers need to design a product that can either be standard and meet all markets need or be able to make adaptations to meet special market needs.
A brand on the other hand is the name, word, or design that identifies a product, service, or company. It is the first thing a customer sees and what -if it's good, will remind on their mind for a long time. Once you use this brand to create an image is called product position, in other word what do you customers think when they think about your brand? Volvo... security, Mercedes... luxurious. Advertising is the number one tool companies rely on to gain their brand image.
Brand equity is the additional value that a brand name brings to a product or a company, but then the grey market can come and completely destroy the brand dominance by selling their product outside an established authorized distribution system because their prices are normally cheaper when they are not sold by an authorized dealer. Louis Vuitton can be a perfect example for this. There are so many grey market places out there that sell fake or stolen purses that made the brand accessible for everyone. LV is a high-end brand that is not affordable to everyone, after all this little illegal stores or dealers selling the brand in every spot of the city it became a common brand and it lost it's exclusiveness since everyone was wearing it.
In Colombia there's a very famous saying (I'm translating so it might sound weird) "everything comes through the eyes" sounds weird I know! but it means that at the beginning everything is physical... let's say you are at a bar and see a cute guy, you don't know if he is a good guy or a bad person, all you know is that he is hot and you want him to talk to you and buy you a drink. The same theory applies to the packaging and design of a product. If you go to a store to buy a product you are not familiar with, the first thing that is going to catch you attention is the packaging, if it looks cheap, you are not going to waste your time looking at it you pass it and walk towards the one that looks nice and eye-catching. The book says that product design can have a strong impact on product image and sales.
Finding the name for a brand is also a very important process. It needs to be unique and the most important thing to have in mind is that it needs to have the same meaning in every language. Some words can mean something in English but have a complete different meaning in Spanish or French.
A price is what a consumer pays to get a product, it is normally money but in some cases people or companies uses barter which means exchanging something to get something. At my work for example we barter ads with other organizations, instead of paying approx. 1500 to place an ad on their magazine we give then in return an exhibit space on our conference for example in that way neither has to pay and we both get what we want.
A purchasing power parity determines how much of a product a currency can buy in a country, this is something that an international marketer has to have in mind when pricing a product.
Raw materials are unprocessed products used to make other products, like chemicals, minerals and agricultural products. Component parts are pieces that are partially completed by a manufacturer and sold to another one.
The chapter also talks about business markets and how they differ from consumer markets. They are operated by a derived demand, the demand that comes from the end purchaser. Raw materials are never sold directly to a retailer for example. It first needs to be sold to a manufacturer to create component parts, and so on until it's ready to be sold to retails.
An industrial market is a type of market that has different characteristics that impact international marketing strategies. Classification, Industrial buyers, relationship development and international orientation.
Commodity products are goods that you cannot differentiate easily like grains, minerals, and petroleum for example.
International service marketing has four characteristics: intangibility indicates that a service cannot be physically possessed. As I mentioned before, there are two types of products, tangible and intangible, a service is an intangible product, something you cannot see or feel, it can be offered like a warranty but cannot be touched like a car. Inseparability, suggests that service businesses cannot be separated from their providers. Heterogeneity, means that a service can vary from provider to provider. And perishability, means that services cannot be stored, they can be very time dependant. Sometimes hiring someone from an developing country to work for you might be cheaper but the time that it would take that person to get to your country might not be worth the wait.
ISO stands for International Organization of Standardization, a set of global quality standards.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Chapter 6
The book says that if a product cannot find something that differentiates it from the rest a company must be able to lower their costs, a strategy marketers use to do so is called Economies of scale. This means that a great number of products are produced lowering the price of each unit, increasing productivity is another strategy that can be used. Another competitive advantage strategy that can help a business to avoid competitors if done successfully is to focus on a single market within one country.
Financial resources are a very important thing for every business, you can have the best idea in the world but if you don’t have the financial resourses to support and develop this idea you have nothing. Big companies have this problem solved but for small companies this is a challenge. A strategy that is very successful is the development of micro-loans, a very small loan, of around $100 that allows entrepreneurs to start a business and make some money.
As we all know, understanding our marketing environment is the key element to a successful marketing plan, understand our customers, supply and distribution networks and competitive products. One of the most important marketing resources is the distribution channel, which consists of the companies and individuals who participate in the exchange of goods or services. Knowing how to distribute the products is essential when marketing a product or a service on a foreign country. U.S firms have found it difficult to enter the tight social networks of Japan for example.
There are two types of competitors direct and indirect. Direct competitors are the ones that work within the same industry and indirect competition comes from the sale of products that gives similar benefits.
A product market the name given to a product in a single market. When a company decides to expand to new markets they determine if they want to stay in that market or if they want to expand to a different one. After deciding whether to stay or to move to a different market they chose a large number of different options and the screen the process down until they find the best product-market based on the market factors.
Children advertising
As an advertiser I think that there’s nothing wrong in advertising products to children, they are a big segment of our market and a lot of products are targeted to them. If we don’t advertise products directly to them how are we going to sell them? The final decision is normally made by the parents but how would they know what to buy and not to buy? I think it is impossible not to advertise to children since they will be the final users of the product. One thing that we have to have in mind though is that they are children, very naïve and easily persuaded and use this as a caution tool instead of taking advantage of it.
· Highly effective since children are easy to influence with popular cartoons or catchy toons, just look at all merchandising Disney sells!
· An average child in the United States sees about 40,000 commercials a year just while watching television.
· With more than 40 million kids online daily, and growing, perhaps no tool has become more important to marketers than the Internet.
· In a household, children are always put first, specially with the way economy is now a days.
· Exposing children to massive advertisement more or less makes them consumers without purchase power, with this they simply look to make the children influence the decision making of the parents.
· Children do not have the capacity to decide what to buy or not
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Chapter 5
Chapter five starts by describing what is market segment and the importance of it. A market segment, the fist step in developing a marketing strategy, is a group of people or organizations with similar characteristics and interests. As a marketer, we have to clearly understand that every products have different market segmentations, what is popular here in America might not be popular in Germany for example, like the four-legged desks -Winning Strategies article.
Now that we know what a market segment is, we need to understand the importance of the three characteristics of a qualified market: Need or desire of a product, the ability to purchase the product, and the authority to do so. We as marketers can spend all the money in the world promoting a product on a foreign country but as the book said an American kid might be able to buy a canned coke while a kid in Cuba might not.
Chapter 5 describes the three typical strategies used by international marketers. Undifferentiated segmentation strategy is used when a company looks at all customers as one market. It is normally used when a market is too small to be profitable to target, or when there's a small group the the majority of the product. Concentrated segmentation strategy, is used when a company has one clearly defined market, small market with few potential competitors. And a differentiated segmentation, is used when a company target two or more segments with unique strategies, pursue different segments of the market or market multiple products.
Consumer Market profiles are made up of different variables that describe your target market like demographics, cultural, geographic, and product usage characteristics. Demographics are characteristics such as age, gender, race, income, and education. Cultural Segmentation, also known as lifestyle characteristics are made u of values, activities, interests and opinions. Geographic Segmentation, describes where consumers are located. This is a very strong criteria for some products. For my Business to consumers Marketing plan I am promoting a bathing suit line. If I decide to Globalize this brand and sell it on a foreign country one of the most important criteria I have to keep in mind is the geographic segmentation because my product as profitable in The Alps as it is in the French Riviera for example. Product Usage, describes how much a product is used.
Chapter 5 also mentions that you don't need to find a foreign country to find international markets which I think find very interesting. Being hispanic myself I completely agree, I moved to this country 6 years ago and all though I understand and respect the American culture in my household we still live a Colombian lifestyle, we still value our family ties and strong religion affiliations and adapt them to our life here in America. For a marketer this thigs are very important and vital, specially here in America where the population is so diverse.
It is important to pursue new market opportunities because as the book says, new market and businesses help business grow. Now a days things change so fast, and there are so many things and businesses out there that if you are not constantly innovating and introducing new products into an existing market, for example the store net to you will and by ding this they will take your clients. The book says that a company can pursue four basic strategies, pursue no new products or markets, introduce new products into an existing market, introduce existing products in a new market and introduce a new product into new markets.
A portfoilio of marketers is a collection of different products in different market locations. The more products you have the lower the business risks is, and it's also important to know that not having new products or markets can increase the risk.
Screening is the process of finding potential market opportunities to pursue, you should first start with a long ist and shortly screen this list to a smaller number. There's a four-step process for this. Identifying a market, find the market that the business should chose. Identify competitive advantages, identify the competitors and the competitive products for each potential market. Estimate industry sales, include all of the sales within a business category. Estimate share of market, the percentage of a market that a business could capture.
The last portion of this chapter talks about market research. Market research is the systematic process of gathering information to help make marketing decisions. There are four steps in the marketing research process. Define the problem, identify the area that needs to be researched. Analyze secondary data, data that has been previously collected. Collect primary data, information that has not been collected before. It involves two processes, designing a data collection plan and ten collecting the data. And the last step is to perform data and decision making. Once you've analyzed everything very carefully managers must use everything to make a decision.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The International Political Economy -Chapter 4
There are three categories used to describe a country, developed countries, like USA for example, are countries that have a strong economy and high standard of living. Newly Industrialized countries have a high level of industrialization but sometimes they might not have a high income or the road and rail network that a develop country has. And the developing countries, also known as third world countries, which have a low personal income.
Chapter four also talks about the importance of education and how it influences a countries economy. The book estates that most developed countries require citizens to have a high level of education. A high-developed country requires 12 to 13 years of education (I didn't know that), while a less-developed country requires only from 6 to 9... that's half!! This is an important thing for a marketer to have in mind because one, the more educated a country is the easier it is for a company to develop. And two, the more educated a customer is, the more identified he/she is going to feel with the product.
Population is also a very important fact to have in mind when marketing a product internationally. Developed countries are strong in very aspects but when it comes to population, developing countries beat them. Why? Developing countries have a much larger population of younger people, innovators who are always looking for the next new thing and can actually afford it because they have a higher disposable income. Developed countries on the other hand, are declining. The average age is increasing, the tax burden is rising, lessening the ability to buy a product.
Social class is another important piece of information that we as marketers should have in mind because it varies in every country. Here, in USA for example, if you work hard and have a good credit ( or credit cards) you can buy anything you want, a big house in Great Falls, a BMW or a First Class ticket to travel around the world. No matter what social class you are part of you are allowed to have this type of life if you can afford it. In Colombia that is not possible, individuals from lower, middle class would never be able to drive a BMW or buy a house in a city like Great Falls, because they don’t have the social status to do it.
As a marketer, if you want to target a product in a different country this is something you have to have in mind all the time because people from a higher class for example think different and are used to a different life, full of expensive things and never concerned about how much money they are going to spend. Lower social classes, on the other hand, do take this into consideration; they are more conservative when it comes to money and normally live on a budget.
The second part of the chapter talks about the Economic Environment and the effect this has in a country.
The economic system is what controls the production, distribution and usage of the goods and services of a product. There are 4 types of economic systems marketers have to have in mind when marketing a product. The sales strategies used, should be based on the type of economic system the country has. Market economy is when a free market determines which products are produced, marketed and priced. Mixed economy merges a market economy characteristic with different levels of government control. Planned economy, is very straightforward, they plan the products manufactured and decides where they can be sold and how much to charge. And the last one is Traditional economy, conventional economic systems; traditions, religions beliefs and historical events determine how questions should be answered.
The last part of the chapter talks about the Political and Legal Environments. There are a few types of political systems around the world, the book talks about four. Democracy, allows direct elections by a country’s citizen. Republic, citizens’ chose a representative who is in charge of voting on laws. One party state, agrees to have only one political party. Theocracy, religion or faith plays a leading role.
The legal environment creates, interprets and enforces the laws of a country. There are to main types of legal systems Statutory law –sets every legal issue possible into a law and Case law –allows statutes to specify situations.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
1st Journal -Intro to International Marketing.
The other subject that I found extremely important were the six marketing core standards. Six things we need to have in mind and follow to be able to successfully transfer goods and services to a consumer.
- Distribution is been able to find the best way to let customers locate, obtain and use the products or services of the company.
- Marketing Information Management, researching your market (market research, developing databases) and using this information to improve your companies’ decision-making and performance.
- Pricing is a very important and delicate process because businesses need to have in mind that they should come up with a price customers can afford and make a profit at the same time.
- Product/Service management is the step where businesses come up with a product, maintain it, improve it in order to meet the consumers needs.
- Promotion is getting the name out there pretty much. Once the product is designed and ready to be sold there are a variety of methods to inform our potential customers that the product exists like advertising, publicity, pr and personal selling.
- Selling is dealing directly with our prospective customers, one on one sell. And last but not least...
- Financing which means coming up with a budget that will cover all the expenses you need.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I am an Advertising student and will be graduating very, very soon...can't wait!! I have to say that this is exciting! is the first time I blog but I am sure i am going to learn a lot.
I am looking forward in taking this class and meeting you all!
Talk to you later! =)